Paranormal is the New Para-Normal?

Do you believe in ghosts? aliens? monsters or Cryptids that lurk in the woods? if you do, don’t feel ashamed or like you’re alone. Apparently three in four Americans believe in the paranormal. Whether it be haunted houses, witches, alien abductions, possessions, and even astrology are all amongst the common beliefs of the paranormal according to Gallup News .

When people think of the term paranormal however, the common thought typically comes to ghosts and spirits. A YouGov study in 2021 found that 41% of Americans believe that spirits of some form exist. That means ghosts, demons, and all other forms of misty and shadowy things that go bump in the night.

The belief of the paranormal is much more than what we see and what we fear. On our most 3rd episode of this season’s podcast, we spoke with Dr. Gary Bartlett, a professor here at CWU who specializes in teaching and revolving his lessons around a philosophical lens.

In the fall of 2019, Dr. Bartlett introduced a class where they studied the fringe and paranormal through the lens of philosophy. Bartlett said that the goal of the class was to identify and evaluate the evidence that a phenomenon did or did not occur, rather than demanding proof that it did.

Bartlett said that the reason for this class being “paranormal” focused dealt with the idea that it’s simply a catchy subject. We compared the idea of doing the same class centered around politics vs the paranormal and Dr. Bartlett said it’s much easier to grasp people and get them to understand the philosophical scope when it’s an interesting subject.

Whether you choose to believe in the paranormal, there is no doubt that it is more normal now than it ever has been. There are so many outlets and different ways to look at it, whether you’re well read or spend time watching ghost shows. There is a way to indulge in the paranormal for just about everyone, now it’s up to you whether you believe in or not.
